
ALTER EGO Project Group presents “Tailor of Worlds”

In the world that’s becoming more virtual, the value of an object has a very strong communicative thrust, as it resonates with the inextricable connection of the technological and cultural value.
To amplify the emotions - that’s the goal of the project “Tailor of Worlds”. The collection of objects present unique pieces, avant-garde design, the usage of precious materials and advanced technologies, narrating history, values and innovations. Holograms, 3D printing, paintings.
A collection of esoteric works that recalls the style of romantic symbolism, where the ink pen becomes the bridge between two realities, shifting the attention from the physical drawing to the imaginary object. From the bar, embellished with golden leaf, to the iconic curved dresser ALTER EGO’s narration flows in the unique epic space, guiding from objects to ideas, from sensation to emotion, from material to spirit.

© — All rights reserved. — Published on 13 March 2019

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© — All rights reserved. — Published on 13 March 2019